As the leaves begin to fall and the air turns crisper, it’s time to switch up your hair care routine for autumn. Just like your wardrobe adapts to the changing seasons, your hair needs some special attention during this time of year. The transition from the warm, sunny days of summer to the cooler, dryer days of autumn can take a toll on your hair, leaving it in need of some extra TLC. In this blog, we’ll explore the best ways to care for your hair as you make the seasonal shift, ensuring that your locks remain healthy, vibrant, and gorgeous throughout the autumn months. So, let’s dive into the world of autumn hair care and discover the tips and tricks that will help you maintain your mane’s luster in the face of falling leaves and cozy sweaters.

I. Hair Care Routine For Autumn: How Will The Hair Change in Autumn?

 Hair can undergo various changes in the autumn season, just like other aspects of your body and environment. Here are some common ways in which hair may change in the fall:

1. Increased Shedding:


 “In autumn, leaves are not the only thing ready to fall”Many people experience increased hair shedding in the autumn months. This is often a natural response to the changing of the seasons. The phenomenon, known as seasonal shedding, is thought to be related to the body’s adaptation to the shift in daylight and temperature. During this time, you may notice more hair falling out, but it is usually temporary and not a cause for concern. You can find out more about hair shedding by reading Hair Shedding: Why It Happens and How To Stop It

2. Scalp Health:

 With the drop in temperature and humidity, the scalp can become dry and prone to itching or flakiness. It’s crucial to pay attention to your scalp’s health during this time and use appropriate products to prevent dryness or dandruff.

3. Dryness and Frizz:


 As the air becomes cooler and drier in the fall, hair can become dry and more prone to frizz. This is especially true for individuals with naturally dry or curly hair. To combat this, it’s essential to maintain a good hair care routine, including using moisturizing shampoos and conditioners.

4. Changes in Color:

 Some people may notice subtle changes in the color of their hair during the autumn season. Sun exposure and environmental factors can lighten or darken hair, and these changes may be more noticeable as the summer sun fades. Curious about these golden tip tricks to make your hair last longer, READ HERE!

II. Switch Up Your Hair Care Routine For Autumn

 Remember that everyone’s hair is unique, and how it responds to the changing seasons may vary. It may seem like a total waste of time to switch up your hair routine at the start of the season but it could actually make a massive difference. In the colder months your strands get drier and are more prone to frizziness and damage so it’s really important to pay attention to your hair’s needs making necessary adjustments to your hair care routine can help keep your hair healthy and looking its best during the autumn months.

1. Change Your Shampoo And Conditioner

 In the autumn it’s really important to switch out your summer products for something way more nourishing. You want to look out for shampoos that contain essential oils as they’ll really moisturise your hair and combat frizz. It’s also worth avoiding ingredients like sulfates and alcohol as they’ll dry out your strands even more. We love the OGX Renewing + Argan Oil of Morocco range as it restores shine and softness while strengthening your hair.

2. Invest In A Humidifier

 It’s definitely worth getting a humidifier in the colder months to help replace moisture lost in the air from central heating. The optimum humidity levels in a room are normally around 35-45% but if you have the heating on they could drop as low as 10% and seriously zap the moisture out of your strands. It’s best to put them on in the evening or during the night to give them enough time to really work their magic.

3. Get A Trim


 It’s always a good shout to get a trim at the start of the season to remove the damage and freshen up your cut. You want a trim every 2-3 months to keep your hair looking its best. If a trim is too much and you’re trying to hold onto length then just dusting off your split ends regularly is a good idea too.

4. Top Up On Your Vitamins

 It’s really important to make sure you’re eating really well and getting the right nutrients to keep your hair healthy. In the colder months, you particularly want to make sure you’re getting enough vitamin D as without the sun your levels can dip. A deficiency can lead to hair loss as it’s vital for stimulating your hair follicles and promoting hair growth. Vitamin D rich foods include tuna, eggs and almond milk but you can also pick up a supplement to make sure you’re getting enough.

5. Moisturise


 Dry air will suck all the moisture out of your hair so it’s really important to keep it as nourished as possible. Using a leave-in conditioner and a hair mask once a week is really important if you want to prevent your hair from getting brittle. You can also use scalp oil as a deep treatment to combat dry skin and flakes as often as you need to.

6. Wash Your Hair Less

 As your scalp will be drier in the winter you might find that your hair gets a bit drier, especially your lengths and ends. To keep your locks nourished it’s worth prolonging the gap between washing your hair as much as possible. Keep dry shampoo to a minimum too and top up the ends of your hair with oil in between washes.

III. Conclusion

 As we bid farewell to the warm summer days and welcome the colorful embrace of autumn, it’s essential to adapt our hair care routine to the changing season. By making a few simple adjustments to your hair care routine, you can ensure that your locks stay healthy, vibrant, and beautiful throughout the season. Transitioning your hair care routine for autumn doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the right products, habits, and a little extra attention, your hair will be ready to shine, just like the autumn leaves.

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